It's well worth at least one playthrough in your life because the story and characters are very well done. Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed the journey from beginning to end. Investigating the conflict turns into a journey that spans 4 years across very different environments in the Underworld. However, Manuel's computer says she doesn't deserve anything at all. Mercedes is the most saintly of individuals who should receive a Double-N ticket to quickly go to the afterlife for her good life without having to work off any misdeeds. The story unfolds when Manuel steals a client, Mercedes Colomar, from a co-worker. So it's kind of like a purgatory situation. He is in this position until he can work off the sins of his life. You play as Manuel Calavera, a travel agent in the Ninth Underworld, whose job it is to help people reach their final destination in the afterlife. My favorite part of the game is that it's very imaginative. I snagged Grim Fandango Remastered on PS4 as part of their free games a few months ago. I liked the looks of it when I was a kid, but never had the opportunity or a PC good enough to play it back then. I wanted to play Grim Fandango for years. " You know, sweetheart, if there's one thing I've learned, it's this: nobody knows what's gonna happen at the end of the line, so you might as well enjoy the trip." -Manuel Calavera